Pennant Selections

Weekend Pennant Trial 2 game Sides are listed below for this weekend Saturday 21 September. Please be there by 12.30pm for roll-up ends.

  • Side 1 - Team 1 vs Team 4 and Team 2 vs Team 3
  • Side 2 - Team 1 vs Team 4 and Team 2 vs Team 3
  • Side 3 - Team 1 vs Team 4 and Team 2 vs Team 3

Rink Duty is Sam Wenn's Team

Pennant Conditions of Play will apply this week. 

Unfortunately, we have a large number of 'Unavailables' this week and have been unable to put at least two teams on the green for the Fourths. So for those who have not been selected this week we would encorage you to join the Saturday Short-game Socials run by Charles Green with a start time of 1.00pm through to 2.30pm.  Midweek Pennant sides for Trial 1 next Tuesday 24 September will be issued in the next 24 hours.