Indoor Bias Bowls

We invite you to come and try Indoor Bias Bowls.  We play Social Bowls (year-round) and compete in a Winter Pennant competition.

We also run a Men’s and a Women’s Club Singles Championship competition.

Social Bowls

Friday Mornings 10.00am to 12 noon.

Experienced players and those new to the game are most welcome.
We have a maximum players each week 24.  We supply the bowls.  Please wear flat soled shoes.
The game is played on a 30ft x 6ft mat.
Quite a few of the rules differ from outdoor lawn bowls and like all forms of bowls it’s an easy game to learn but can take a while to master.
If you wish to attend, please put your name on the list by the main club noticeboard.
Come along and have some fun.


Pennant Bowls

The ESIBBA Winter Pennant Season commenced on the 30th  April & 1st May.

This year we have entered one team on Tuesday evenings and one on Wednesday afternoons.

The competition is a home & away fours format played at various local bowls clubs. The season runs for 14 weeks plus 2 weeks for finals. Note there will be no games scheduled on 11th & 12th June after the King’s Birthday long weekend. Refer to the ESIBBA link for full details of the pennant fixtures and ladder. Spectators are welcome.


NBBC Club Singles Championships

All NBBC players who are registered to play in the ESIBBA Winter Pennant are eligible to enter the 2024 Men’s & Women’s singles competitions. Games will be played at various times during May & June to suit the participants and the availability of the hall to have the mats out.

The two winners can then compete in the ESIBBA Champions of Champions event later in the season.

About the Game

Games comprise singles, pairs, triples, and fours formats and games are played at club, association, intergroup, state & international level.

Unlike the outdoor game where rules are set by BV (Bowls Victoria) this game runs under the dictates and rules of AIBBC (Australian Indoor Bias Bowls Council),VIBBA (Victorian Indoor Biased Bowls Association) and ESIBBA (Eastern Suburbs Indoor Bias Bowls Association). Players from all clubs participating in any ESIBBA competition abide by these  Associations’ guidelines.

For more information, please contact Robyn McClelland on 0419 542 188.