
We are a friendly group that meets 10.00am – 1.00pm on the second Monday of the month to share their talents with one another over a cup of tea/coffee.  Sometimes we will have demonstrations or projects you can participate in, if you wish.  To make an enquiry please email the club (preferred) or phone and leave a message for Craft Group on 9859 3828.



At our Last meeting… 

At our May meeting, our ladies tackled the basic Granny Square with some challenges however they are on their way to success.   The Challenge now is to make enough squares to make a Blanket for KOGO using donated yarn.   If you want to make a square contact Lois Staunton to receive the yarn we are using in the centre of every four row square measuring approx. 12cm.  All the squares will be crocheted together with lemon yarn from the craft cupboard.



At our next Meeting...

The next meeting will be Monday 8th July.  There will be no June Meeting as it falls on the King’s Birthday holiday. See you all in July.