Bridge Documents

We have created a set of Bridge documents for your reference.

If you have any documents that you think could be helpful to other members, please let us know, and we can review and publish here.

Please take time to read the Bridge Etiquette document, and practice the recommendations at the club.

  • Bridge Scoring 1 – a table of all bids, scores, vulnerability and doubling
  • Bridge Scoring 2 – a indepth look how each score is calculated
  • Scoring in Duplicate Bridge – a description of how players are compared and ranked in a Duplicate Session; How percentages are calculated; examples of players’ scores and points
  • Bidding 2C – one page diagram for bidding 2C
  • Bidding Line – one page diagram on the bidding line from 1C to 7NT, showing scores, required HCP
  • BridgeShufflingDealingCards  – when playing at home, here is how to rotate the 2 packs of cards around the table